Major Projects


The successes prove that we know how to come together for major projects, and that can spill over into day-to-day activities. – Reid Dulberger

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Book Trailer

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​National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society (NERDS)

National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society (NERDS)

By Michael Buckley


When there is an emergency that the best of the best can’t handle, who do you call? The NERDS, of course. National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society (NERDS) by Michael Buckley is a fun new twist on your normal spy book.

While the fast-moving, action-packed story about teenage super spies is what drives the storyline, Buckley also looks at the emotional impact on bullying. Jackson Jones a 5th grader at Nathan Hale Elementary is the most popular kid in school and like by all, except the nerds. The nerds received daily abuse with spit wads, swirly, and locker cramming at the hands of Jackson and his crew. After a visit to the dentist, Jackson soon found out how it feels to be shunned by your peers, even the nerds.

Buckley’s choose of nerds turned spies is good. Each NERDS spy including ones like Wheezer whose inhalers become rocket boosters or Gluestick who can walk on wall and ceiling are giving a unique talent using state of the art technology. Jackson is no different, his braces turn in to knives and shoot from his mouth.

The books designed to act as a computer and throughout the book the reader is asked to perform some type of test to be given higher levels of security clearance. For example “TO GRANT ACCESS TO LEVEL 6, I NEED YOU TO RUB YOUR ARMPIT ON THE SENSOR. REALLY, RUB YOUR PIT ON THE SENSOR.” (p.127) The requests, even though they are funny, do keep the idea of the story being part of a top secret file continuing.


I didn’t expect to enjoy National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society (NERDS), but I did. However, what I imagined in my mind as I read didn’t follow the few pictures that were in the book. Even though I looked at the cover and the picture in it I could not get my mind to see the comic design. I feel there needed to be more pictures. Also, when there were pictures, they didn’t line up with the text on the same page. This only confused my mind even more. Because of this, I recommend this book to a younger generation. Children 11-14 years old will enjoy it.


National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society (NERDS) is a fun, fast-paced story. The high tech equipment, strange security clearances and unique characters give the story a modern feel. Pre-teens will enjoy the underdog saves the day and good always wins over the bad theme of this book. So, next time you see a nerd you better watch it, they could be NERDS.

APA Citation

Buckley, M. (2009). National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society (NERDS). New York, NY: Amulet Books.

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